Website Updated!
Just wanted to let everyone know that the HWRA website is now up to date for 2018. Sorry for being slow to post. It's amazing how time...
Annual Meeting Set
Please come and support your local homeowner association by attending the annual meeting. The date is set for July 22, 2018. The...
New Board Member
I would like to welcome Deidre Stump as the newest member of the HWRA Board. She was elected at our annual meeting last Summer and has...
Outstanding Dues Being Sent to Collections!
As you all know, the HWRA Board has transitioned the association to a calendar year billing cycle. That means that we pay dues in...

Audit Committee Report Filed!
The 2017 HWRA Board has completed its audit of the financial records for fiscal year 2016. All disbursements and receipts were verified...
Block party cancelled!
The HWRA block party has been cancelled. Any monies collected will be returned to those parties who contributed. There is no mak-up...

HWRA Block Party!
When: Saturday, August 13, 2016 (Rain Date: 08/14 from 2-6:00 PM) Time: 5 - 9:00 P.M. Where: North end of the pond Grills, lemonade and...

Is It A Bush Or A Tree?
It's a tree! Since the legal issue with the Koch family are now behind us, the HWRA Board has been able to turn their attention to its...

Public Board Meeting Set
There is a public board of directors meeting set for Thursday March 31st 2016 at 8:00 P.M. Meeting location will be the Jackson Township...

Hawthorne Woods Sign in desperate need of repair!
As I have been talking with residents these last few weeks, I stopped by to look out the Hawthorne Woods sign that welcomes all of us...