New Board Member
I would like to welcome Deidre Stump as the newest member of the HWRA Board. She was elected at our annual meeting last Summer and has started to serve Hawthorne Woods as of January 2018. A huge thanks to Mike Spiers for his service the past two years!
Dues are now due! Please pay promptly so we can avoid the expense of sending out second and third notices which cost time and money!
Website has been updated! I have updated meeting minutes and treasurer reports. Remember that you must be a member of the website to gain access to these items. The website address is
When contacting the board with questions, please leave a phone number or email so we can answer questions more immediately. If you know a homeowner who does not use email, please send us their phone number.
Remember to be kind! Board members are not paid for their service. We are are trying our best to keep our common areas looking beautiful. If you are unhappy with what is going on or have questions, please come to a meeting and get involved! Our next meeting is April 4th, 2018 at 8:00 P.M. (6204 Apache Way)