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Outstanding Dues Being Sent to Collections!

As you all know, the HWRA Board has transitioned the association to a calendar year billing cycle. That means that we pay dues in January 2017 for the current year. This has allowed us to pay our vendors in a much more timely fashion. Statements went out December 1st, 2016 and became due January 1, 2017. Accounts are considered past due (per our bylaws) after 30 days.

Fortunately, most of our residents have paid their 2017 dues in full while others have made arrangements to pay over time. As of our last meeting on May 3rd, roughly 15% or 9 properties have not paid their annual dues. As it is not our desire to alienate our members, we have allowed unpaid balances to go longer than our bylaws allow. We are now at a point when this must stop! A third billing will go out by the end of May and if payment is not received by July 1st, these accounts will be sent to collections.

Sending out multiple statements cost the association more money in printing, postage; not to mention time. Accounts that are sent to collections will cost our HOA roughly $100 per claim. This fee will be assessed back to the property owner in 2018 as a special assessment. We hope members pay their dues or contact the board to explain their situation so that a collection agency does not have to become involved. Please spread the word and encourage all to support the HOA!

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